Thursday, March 5, 2009

Free IS Better!

I love it when you find things that are discounted, cheaper or…FREE!!!

Nothing makes me happier.

And finding it where you least expect it is also a bonus. That’s exactly what happened to me last week regarding my flower girl. You see, my daughter is going to my flower girl. From the very beginning of all of our wedding talks, one thing that was and has still remained a constant is the fact that we want our children involved in our wedding.

In some form or fashion.

In talking about this with family members and friends, you get all sorts of differing opinions on what our kids should do in our wedding. Some think that they’d be perfect as junior attendants, but others think that they’re too young. Some think that they’d be the perfect flower girl and ring bearer, but others think that they’re too old. You following along here with me? And since we all know that you can’t please everyone, we’ve chosen to please ourselves and our kids.

They’ve been involved in this whole thing since the very beginning, and it’s only right to continue that tradition. So I’m leaving it up to them. If “Snookums” wants to be a ring boy, then he’ll be a ring bearer, but if he wants to be a junior groomsman, then that’s what he’ll be. And the same goes for my daughter.

Yep, you guessed it. She wants to be the flower girl. So I have a ready-made flower girl just antsy to start practicing her walk and tossing flower petals. It’s REALLY cute!

And since she’s been so involved in the whole process, I felt it only right that she should be able to pick out her own flower girl dress. I didn’t take her with me when I was shopping for my bridal dress, so she has no idea what it looks like or anything. In fact, she just gets a little confused when we talk about the wedding in general. You see, I have a confession. Not a confession really…more like a funny. My daughter doesn’t talk about our wedding, she asks me when the “ball” is going to be…to her in her little 6 year-old eyes, Mr. CC and I are already married. To her, we were married the moment that he slipped the ring on my hand. I tried once or twice to explain that we weren’t actually married yet, but after just one of those conversations I stopped trying and just let her call it the “ball.” It doesn’t hurt anything.

So when we tell her that we’re going to the mall to look for her wedding dress, she gets all excited, thinking that she gets to wear it that night to the wedding. Yeah, I know. October is just too far away for her little 1st grade brain to wrap around. Relax. I’m not calling her slow, just being honest about how 6 year-olds see the world. She can barley think about something being next week, much less in October. We do good to think ahead to her birthday in June…so shopping for flower girl dresses has been a lot of fun!

The first dress that we bought was cute. (Yeah I said the first one…more on that later.) But the second dress (yes, yes…more on that LATER!) was the winner. We had SO much fun shopping for it, that when we finally got home it was late and her bedtime, so I rushed her inside and into bed before she could realize that she hadn’t gotten any real TV time that night. In my haste, I left the dress in my trunk. So the next day at work, I was looking at the pictures that I had taken of her and realized that I had left it in my trunk. I went out and got it so that I could hang it up and keep it wrinkle-free.

One of my co-workers (well, almost all of them to be honest) stopped to comment on the dress. And there was a woman there who has two granddaughters that were just in a wedding in December. She was telling me all about their dresses when she scolded me for not checking with her first before I went out and bought a dress for Jenna to wear. Apparently she’s got two perfectly good dresses with all of the trimmings that I could have borrowed. Oops! Oh well. But let’s talk about those trimmings…

Yep, I scored BIG time on the “trimmings” that she had to offer. Today, she brought me the cutest little flower girl basket that I think I’ve ever seen. I was thinking of making a basket for our wedding, but to be honest, I couldn’t make something cuter than this one, and it’s free for the taking. My co-worker also brought me a pearl necklace and bracelet that my daughter can wear and a pair of shoes to try on. SO CUTE! Check them out in the pictures below.

All of these things are things that I would have bought for my daughter (or tried to make in the case of the basket) and now I don’t have to! And one of my BM pointed out to me that now my daughter has something new (her dress) and something borrowed (all this stuff) so she only needs something old and something blue to be just like mommy. What a cute thought!

I was touched by my co-workers generosity and use of the items…so a big thanks to you! Isn’t it neat to find a little bit of treasure when you’re least expecting it?

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