We knew all along that we didn’t want bridal showers and couple showers and things (since this wasn’t our first!) but what we did want was our respective “bachelor” parties. And we had in mind the perfect thing – a day spent separately with our girls and guys and then coming together for dinner and drinks. Our thinking behind this was two-fold. For one thing, ALL of our bridal party lived out of town from where we lived, so that meant that we would need to do the festivities right before the wedding or they would have to make two trips. And since two of the Boys were from out of state, it was quickly decided upon that it would be held the Thursday before the wedding.
The second thing that we liked was that this plan gave each of us time alone with our peeps, and then coming together at the end of the evening. Every single person (with the exception of one) in our bridal party was already married, so we definitely didn’t want to exclude spouses from this day/night. It was important to us that everyone was made welcome and invited in on the celebration and doing things this way was a lot of fun! I would highly recommend it!
While the boys were off playing golf (B’s choice in activities during the day) the girls were off doing this...
*All pictures courtesy of Maid Britney*
L to R: Maid Britney, Me, Anna, and MOH
It was called Sink Creek Day Spa, and if you’re located in or around the San Marcos area, I would HIGHLY recommend this place. When you book your “event” you are booking the whole place. There are no other customers there, and the women who work there are devoted solely to you...it was FABULOUS...like being someone really important! The women (Angie and Donnie) greeted us with smiles and hugs and made us feel welcome while the girls unloaded MOH’s truck and told me to take a seat and not do anything. They set up the spread on the back porch in the shade and man oh man, did we have some yummy food! We munched on lunch, had some vino, and just relaxed for about an hour.
Then the presents came out...they TOTALLY surprised me with a lingerie shower. I was literally shocked...but that didn’t make me pause for too long! Haha. Here’s some of the goodies that I got:
You can ignore the crazy faces that I was making, believe me there are more!
I was a little worried to open the box from Frederick's of Hollywood...
After the fun was over with – since all good things must come to an end - Angie and Donnie came out and gave us our instructions. We were to change into our swim suits and hop on into the sauna to get our pores nice and open and to start the relaxation process that would lead up to our massages. Here I am being a dork, which is normal! Me and Anna
Me and Maid Britney
Me and MOH
I could only stand the sauna for about 30 minutes. Our friend, Anna (the only unmarried one with us – who got married two weeks after we did!) and I were the only ones brave enough to do the cold outdoor shower that the women suggested for us before hopping into the hot tub. It was all warmed up and ready to go for us. Once we all settled in, MOH served us more drinks and then Angie gave each of us a glass of champagne with our choice of either cranberry or orange juice...SO yummy! She told us that the champagne would just do the last little bit of relaxation that we needed before the massage, but I think that she were having just as much fun as we were! After that, they took us back two at a time for our hour-long massage. MOH and I went in together and laid down on the beds. We were in the same room and could have easily talked...but we were way too relaxed to do much else. Since I was the lucky bride-to-be, I also got a facial with my massage and Donnie was SO wonderful. She relaxed me so much that I actually fell asleep! Can you believe that? And this coming from the girl who hasn’t gotten a massage in over ten years because I’m so ticklish! But she did a fabulous job of working out my kinks without tickling me at all...I really can’t recommend them highly enough.
MOH and I went back outside and let Maid Britney and Anna take their turns on the table. I was worried that passing an hour while waiting for them would drag by, but another glass of vino and a comfy spot on the back porch made for a quick cat nap. In no time, it was time to get dressed and meet up with the boys for dinner!
We had the BEST time at Sink Creek Day Spa...loved it, loved it, loved it. Here’s one last picture of us with the ladies of the spa before we left...we were all sad to go no matter how happy we look there!The sun was right in our eyes and we could NOT take a great picture that showed us all...oh well, it was fun trying anyway!
what a fun time!! and a GREAT idea!