Is that a word? I think that it is. I use it on occasion, and it seemed appropriate in this situation.
Once we got back from the cake tasting, MOH and I layed out all that I wanted to work on that weekend. It was just after lunchtime on Saturday and we needed a game plan. I knew that my list was long of what I wanted to work on, you can see it here, and we thought it was best if we prioritized.
First and foremost, with no questions asked, were the invitations. I wanted to get those all done and as ready-to-mail as we could get them by the end of the weekend. They’ve been the albatross hanging around my neck these past few weeks with all the struggles that I’ve had getting those inserts printed. (Don’t worry – I won’t post links for all of THOSE posts!) So that was definitely item numbero uno on my list.
Second on my list was my centerpieces. I haven’t posted on it yet, but they just weren’t sitting right with me. And I had some new inspiration for them, and wanted someone else (read a GIRL) here to play around with my ideas and my flowers and see what worked and what didn’t work.
After those two items, anything else that we got done was just extra. So after chit-chatting, we decided to get down to it. I had mentioned something about running to Austin to get some materials and we decided that it was smarter to go ahead and run the errands right away rather than get busy and then have to stop and go do it later, so off to Austin we went. After a stop at Michael’s, Hancock Fabrics (yes, I forgot my coupon after I’m the one who posted it!) and Hobby Lobby, we were done as far as I could tell. We grabbed a quick sandwhich from Pot Belly and back home we went. I was a little discouraged because we couldn’t find the one item that I needed to play around with the centerpieces, but oh well. Invitations first.
It was on the way back home when MOH innocently asked about the post that I did here about my concerns about the envelopes that I had ordered being too small. I told her that I had measured it out and it was all fine. We moved on down the road, and a sense of dread started creeping up my spine. Did I measure them out? Or did I just think that I did?
Well, you know what the first thing I did upon getting back home was, right? Yep, grabbing a pocketfold and an envelope package and measuring them up...and they WERE too small!!! I nearly cried. This meant that no matter what all we got done, the invitations wouldn’t be finished this weekend. Insert a VERY sad face here...
Oh well. MOH and B consoled me quite a bit and I realized that if we could do everything except the envelopes that it really wasn’t that bad. I was still disappointed, but it was my own fault, so I couldn’t be that mad about it. Luckily for me, I have the World’s Best Groom, and he told me that when I order the replacement envelopes, to have them rush shipped and not to worry about the cost. Hugs and kisses babe!
Also, lucky for me that Envelopper, Inc. (where I got the envelopes from) has a 60 day return policy, and they asked me no questions today when I called to get the RMA# from them. I have to ship them back, but I’ll get full credit (minus the postage) for my purchase. Which will offset the cost of the new ones that I ordered first thing Monday morning.
I’m happy to say that this was really our main snafu for the weekend of DIY projects. Nothing else went really wrong. If I keep my fingers and toes crossed, the new, correctly-sized envelopes will be here Wednesday or Thursday at the latest. Just in time for a weekend of printing and stuffing envelopes!
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