Well, now I’m a liar. I’ve made myself a liar, so I really have no one to blame except for ME! I posted here about not looking at my To Do list...and I haven’t. But I made a new one the other day while I had some time to kill at home the other night and I’ve been knocking things off of that list right and left!
Right about now, you’re saying to yourself “why is she a liar?” I guess I’m not really. I haven’t looked at the REAL To Do list still, but making a new one and scratching things off of it kinda makes me feel like a liar. Doesn’t that count? It should. My mom always said that if you feel guilty about something it was probably wrong. Applying her rule of thumb, having a WHOLE Totino’s pizza and a vanilla coke the other night for dinner was SOOOO wrong! LOL.
Anyway, so here’s what this busy little bride worked on this week:
Booked hair/make-up person for certain (there was some confusion on this point)
Scheduled hair/make-up trail for later this month
Started the search for a shop to do my alteration on my dress – it’s just a hem and a bustle, so nothing major
Finished printing out AND mailed all invites - BIG one for me!
Finished printing the drink tags (remember these will attach to the Mason jars so people don’t lose their drinks!) - well, almost finished...
Worked on ALMOST finishing my garters (post coming as soon as I really finish!)
Ordered the crystals for my veil, now that it’s finished
Made the pattern for the crystals to go onto my veil
Yep, I did all of that this past week. And with a long weekend, the possibility of finishing even MORE projects looms before me. Actually, we’re travelling out of town to visit one set of my parents so probably WON’T get to any wedding projects. Insert sad face...
You know, when you write it all out, it’s not so much...it really felt like more! But maybe that’s just because the invites was SUCH a major project this week. I was pleasantly surprised when I opened my Outlook calendar and saw that the ACTUAL deadline date wasn’t until Friday, Sept. 4th...so I feel better about being a few days off, since it was just in my head to have them all out by Sept. 1st. And low and behold, when I checked my post office box for the THIRD time Friday at lunch, the stamps had arrived and ALL invitations went out on time! Yea!
So this next week should be a good week for posts...I have LOTS to show you...garters, invites, drink tags with double as the escort cards...just SO much getting worked on and done right now. It’s good that I’m working so hard...less than 6 weeks to go!!!
How are your DIY projects coming along? Are you getting close to finishing? Did you take a break when you finished something kind of big, or just move right along to the next one? I’d love to hear about it!
I'm less than 5 weeks out now. As soon as I got the invites out I stopped crafting. I was so run down from those dammed 20 invites that I can't face anymore DIY. Tags for the bubbles - don't need em'. Bows for the aisle chairs - don't need em'. But there is always something else that needs to be organised, booked, plans laid out, people kept in the loop - it never ends!!!!!!!