Monday, November 9, 2009

My Little Bitty Secret...

I have a secret...but it’s not really a secret, since I’m spilling the beans right now. Imagine my surprise when I was tossing this post around in my head the other day and I opened my Google Reader to see this post by The Encore Bride. (I love her blog btw, you should read it too!) She made an announcement of her own...something similar to what I’m going to tell you about...

I opened my Etsy shop! Yep, you read that right. With all of the encouragement that I’ve gotten from B, family and friends, I took a deep breath and took the plunge.

I named the business Little Bitty Things, and I’ll start off with offering handmade bags, purses and personalized stationary. Maybe I’ll get more into paper goods with wedding invitations, programs and thank you cards as well, but that remains to be seen.

If you want to go on over and check it out, you can. But since I’m technically on vacation, you’ll just get my vacation message. But go ahead, go over and sign up to be notified when I get back and get some listings up...I hope that you’re as excited to see this as I am! I can’t wait to see how this business will grow and develop. I’m SUPER excited to share this with my readers...and you KNOW that I’ll also link the Etsy store to my blog (yes, you’ll have to leave Google Reader to see the link!) so that you can find it that way as well. I’ll probably even have some pics of my products up on the blog too...we’ll see how it all comes about when I return.

Thanks for checking it out, and I can’t wait to put up my first listing!


  1. congrats! That is an awesome step - can't wait to see the shop!

  2. Congrats!!! how very exciting... can't wait to see you in business!

  3. Very cool! Can't wait to see your wares. Love the logo :)
