While I am serious about trying my dress on again last night, I will admit that I’m joking about the why. Let me explain. There are at least three ladies out there who feel like they got cheated on the whole “bridal shopping experience” since I bought my dress without their help…so I graciously (with no benefit to myself in the forefront of my mind) told each of them that we could go back to the store and try on my dress so that they can agree with me on my selection. Heck, I even told them that I would put all 4 or 5 that I considered before on so that they could AGREE with me on my selection, if it made it more fun for THEM…yeah, or more fun for me!
So last night was the first of these moments. I mentioned yesterday that I’m out of town this week with work stuff. Lucky for me, I’m “in town” for two of my trusted ladies, and Lady C and Lady B are getting put to work this week! Well, Lady B gets to work and Lady C just gets to do fun stuff…but I promise that I will even this out eventually…Anyway, back to my story. So Lady C met up with me at an Alfred Angelo store that was between her house and my hotel. I called ahead to the store to make sure that they did have the style in a size comparable to my size. Lucky for me, they had the dress in store, and I did not need to make an appointment for this.
I get to the store first, and get everything ready for Lady C. She arrives and I commence to get into my dress. Since a girl needs a bit of help with these things, a VERY helpful (you’ll understand why I like her so much in just a minute) sales associate, Laci, came over to give me a hand. At the point where she’s closing the back of the dress, she tells me to “suck it in!” While I’m not really shocked to hear that statement, I have to admit to being a little scared since this dress was two sizes LARGER than the size that I ordered my dress in.
If you need a refresher course on the drama that was my dress size, click here.
So I primp and preen properly in front of the mirrors and Lady C and we check out all of the angles. She, of course, agrees with my choice in gowns and proceeds to detail what all we like about my dress. The discussion soon moves to veils and we try several tiaras and veils on just for fun. At some point, I mention to Lady C my concern about the comment made while putting me into the dress and my whole size ordering dilemma. Now, me being me, I’m just fretting over the whole thing. Lady C being Lady C, she says “why don’t you ask her what size gown she would order for you?”
Brilliant idea, I tell you.
So, once back in regular clothes, I proceed to ask said question of Laci. She gets the “deer in the headlight” look and knows that there is only really one right answer here. She knows that I’ve already ordered my dress, so I’m really only going to appreciate ONE answer here. So I give her the background for the reason of my question, and she seems to relax. This is easy – she’ll just have to measure me to answer that question.
I agree to be measured again, even though I’m really not sure that I’ll like the result of this measuring any better. I mean, yes my work out is working, but it’s not working that quickly, right? There’s no dramatic improvement or change since the last time that I was measured. But I’m a good sport, and I have to admit to riding that high of having “your dress” on…so I move on over to be measured. Laci whips her tape around my bust, waist and hips…then does my waist again to double check herself…and then she says the words that are music to my ears…
“She actually told you to order a 14? Because I’m coming up with a size 8.”
Thank you, ladies and gentlemen. I feel vindicated. I assure her that Amy, my first sales associate in the South Austin store, wanted to order me a size 14 wedding gown. To which she proceeds to turn the tape measure over and read my measurements back to me. My waist was an inch UNDER the size needed for size 8, although my hips were two inches OVER the size of 8…but with the cut on my gown (not mermaid style or form fitting below the waist) it doesn’t matter what size my hips are.
My dress WILL fit whenever it does arrive. I can rest easy and sleep with happy wedding dress dreams tonight. I can’t tell you how much of a weight has gone off of my shoulders…
Can anyone else relate to wedding dress sizing issues? Did you drive the sales ladies a little crazy at various bridal stores like I did to make sure that it was right? Please tell me that I’m not the only one…
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Resting Easy on Dress Decisions...
I did something SO fun tonight…I went back to Alfred Angelo and tried on my dress again! Yep, you read that right, I’m now stalking the bridal store…patiently waiting for my dress. Or not so patiently, since I’m trying on the dress at random…LOL! I have this picture in my head of the lady in the Mervyn’s commercials who waits not-so patiently for her favorite store to open…
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